The Moonkin Festival micro holiday is scheduled for November 12th save adorable baby moonkin in Moonglade, learn to speak Moonkin, and gain temporary fluffy companions.Roll a level 1 gnome and run from Gnomeregan to Booty Bay! The Great Gnomeregan Run, inspired by the Running of the Gnomes annual charity event, takes place on October 14th.Pirate's Day, on September 19th has a new toy- Jolly Roger.You can buy some transmog sets with the competition prize tokens these resemble Burning Crusade dungeon sets.
The Trial of Style Transmog Competition takes place from August 17 - 21st you have two minutes to create an outfit around a specified theme. The Auction House Dance Party micro holiday is scheduled for July 22nd the Auction Houses in Stormwind and Orgrimmar have been converted into dance studios and you can show off your moves. Run this instance for ilvl 900 loot and Arsenal: The Warglaives of Azzinoth transmog for Demon Hunters. Black Temple Timewalking is accessible during the week of Outland Timewalking, which is next available July 11th. The Darkmoon Faire is next in town on July 2nd. Blight Boar is a new mini-game added to the Darkmoon Faire which rewards fun items like Necromedes, the Death Resonator. New items will be available to purchase like Set of Matches and Igneous Flameling, and bonfires have been added to Draenor and the Broken Isles. The Midsummer Fire Festival starts on June 21st. Check out our Tomb of Sargeras Survival Guide and stay tuned for our boss guides by FatbossTV. Tomb of Sargeras Normal and Heroic opens on June 20th. The Shoe Shine Kit toy is fixed in 7.2.5 and spawns Saturday night to Sunday morning at 00:00 Server Time, so June 17-18 is the first time to attempt to get the toy. Much of the content previewed on the 7.2.5 PTR is staggered throughout the second half of 2017, especially the new events and micro-holidays. Keep farming Warglaives of Azzinoth on any character, so your Demon Hunter unlocks the Arsenal: The Warglaives of Azzinoth transmog when any character clears Timewalking Black Temple. You can earn 3 Seal of Broken Fate per week via quests, and a chance at several more if the right bonus is up on the Nether Disruptor. Stockpile Seals of Broken Fate for Tomb of Sargeras. Blizzard has confirmed Gul'dan should not feel harder in 7.2.5. Check out our Helya and Gul'dan strategy guides by FatbossTV if you need any help defeating these encounters. The following achievements will no longer be obtainable when Tomb of Sargeras opens, on June 20th: Ahead of the Curve: Helya, Cutting Edge: Helya, Ahead of the Curve: Gul'dan, Cutting Edge: Gul'dan. If you like pet battling and have completed the Wailing Caverns challenge, head to Deadmines for a new Pet Battle Challenge. If you are a rogue that is level 100 or higher, visit Griftah in the Class Hall to start a new pickpocketing questline. ROGUE PICKPOCKET LEGION 7.2.5 UPGRADE
Upgrade crafted gear to ilvl 900 via Obliterum.Read up on the Class Changes and new legendaries so you understand any changes to your spec.Read up on the Mythic+ Changes so you understand the new loot system before doing your usual runs.Work on the new Deaths of Chromie Scenario which starts from Khadgar in Dalaran.Buy new heirlooms for flight paths and scaling heirlooms to 110 from Estelle Gendry in Undercity or Krom Stoutarm in Ironforge.Thank you to all of our users who contribute via comments, screenshots, client uploads, and guides! Make sure you read to the end of the post for a special giveaway! To chat more with other Wowhead users, join our site discord-and don't forget, if you really like a user's comment, you can now gift them Wowhead Premium for $1. Later in the patch, players will be able to progress through the new raid Tomb of Sargeras, participate in new holidays like the Trial of Style and Moonkin Festival, and run Black Temple Timewalking.Ĭoming back to WoW after a break and just want the basics? Check out our Tips for Alts in Legion and Gearing up Before Raids in Legion guides.
This new content patch will include many class changes, new legendaries, the Deaths of Chromie scenario, a new battle pet dungeon, rogue pickpocketing items, level 110 heirlooms, and Mythic+ changes. Here is Wowhead's survival guide to everything about the patch. Tomb of Sargeras, Legion Patch 7.2.5, goes live June 13th on NA Realms and June 14th on EU realms! The patch is planned to go live 3pm PST on NA servers.